Wednesday, 6 February 2013

First post of a new blog

Well..hello there! My name is Patrick Joannisse, I'm a young man in his mid 20s and I live in Canada. I don't pretend to be a skilled blogger or even fluent enough in the English language (French is my first language) to start a blog. All I know is I love Role Playing Games and I want to explore ideas and share them with ze InterWebs.

Why you should read me

They say "Learn from your mistakes" so I did. I keep making new ones so it's a great source of learning experience. I also think some of the mistakes I did could have been avoided if I read more blogs and watched more videos.

You should also read me because I promise you one thing: I'll keep my post as short as possible. As a web developer specialized in web accessibility and user experience, I know how bad it is for a user to read plenty of text. When is the last time you read a whole big wikipedia article (such as the one about WWII or the United States) without skipping a single line?

What is the blog going to be about

I'll share my experience and ideas about the various RPG I played and read. I'll experiment and I would like to create a setting and post it in a step by step (or more like a post by post) process.

I'm also working on a couple of personal projects for people to share about RPGs.

Hope you enjoy!

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